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Philippines: Asia Law 360 May Newsletter(March 2022 updates)

This newsletter provides an update on the laws and regulations that have been passed 2 months before (i.e. newsletter in April will contain laws passed in February). The newsletter aims at highlighting the laws that have a big impact on the businesses in the Philippines.

Any opinions, views, conclusions and other information in this newsletter do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Readers intending to seek legal advice should engage One Asia Lawyers Group, for more information on how to engage us, please send an email to

The list of Promulgated laws and Regulations only contains Republic Acts that have been passed by the Congress of the Philippines and Executive Orders of the President of the Philippines. Occasionally, we will include some acceded treaties, pending bills, resolutions, administrative orders, circulars, rules and regulations issued by the relevant governmental agencies, if in our opinion they are important to doing business in the Philippines.

The important laws we choose to discuss may not have always been passed in the month covered, especially when no relevant laws and regulations were passed in that particular month, or the laws passed have minimal impact or relevance to foreign investors.

1. List of promulgated laws 

  • Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No. 6957, “An Act Authorizing the Financing, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure Projects by the Private Sector and for Other Purposes”, As Amended by R.A. No. 7718, approved March 31, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11659- An Act Amending Commonwealth Act No. 146, Otherwise known as the Public Service Act, as amended, signed March 21. 2022
  • R.A. No. 11650– An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education, Establishing Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in All Schools Districts, Municipalities and Cities, Providing for Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes, signed March 11, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11648– An Act Providing for Stronger Protection Against Rape and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Increasing the Age for Determining the Commission of Statutory Rape, Amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, as Amended, Otherwise Known as “The Revised Penal Code,” Republic Act No/ 8353, Also Known as “The Anti-Rape Law of 1995,” and Republic Act No. 7610, As Amended, Otherwise Known as the “Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act, signed March 04, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11647– An Act Promoting Foreign Investments, Amending Thereby Republic Act No. 7042, Otherwise Known as the “Foreign Investments Act of 1991,” As Amended, and for Other Purposes, signed March 02, 2022
  • Executive Order No. 165– Prescribing Regulations on Out-of-Home Advertising Signs and Billboards, signed March 21, 2022
  • Executive Order No. 166– Adopting the Ten-Point Agenda to Accelerate and Sustain Economic Recovery From the Covid-19 Pandemic, and Directing a Whole-of-Government Approach to Align All Economic Recovery Programs and Measures of the National Government, signed March 21, 2022
  • A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC- Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level Courts, dated March 1, 2022
  • Reminder to Update Covered Person Information Via ORS, AMLC, Posted March 25, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1141– Amendments to the Regulations on the internal Audit Function of a Trust Corporation, issued March 29, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1142– Amendments to the Guidelines on the Computation of Minimum Required Capital and Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Ratio, issued March 29, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1140– Amendments to Regulations on Information Technology Risk Management, issued March 24, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1139– Guidelines for Reporting Islamic Banking and Finance Transactions/Arrangements, issued March 23, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1138– Regulatory Reporting Standards for Operators of Payment System (OPS), issued March 01, 2022
  • Customs Administrative Order No. 02-2022- Rules and Regulations in the Implementation of the ATA System in the Philippines, signed March 18, 2022
  • BI Advisory– Revised Travel Restrictions Guidelines and Quarantine Classifications, uploaded March 15, 2022
  • Labor Advisory No. 07 s.2022– Employer’s Work Accident Illness Report (WAIR), dated March 16, 2022
  • Labor Advisory No. 06 s. 2022– Closure of the DOLE Covid-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) 3 Online Applications
  • Labor Advisory No. 05-22– Guidelines on the Payment of Wages for Employees in the Private Sector Covered in the National COVID-19 Vaccination Day (NVD), poster March 10, 2022
  • FDA Circular No. 09 March 2022- Extension of FDA Circular No. 2021-015 entitled “Interim Guidelines on the Renewal of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Clearance of Foreign Drug Manufacturers, (2021-015-A)
  • DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01 s. 2022– Guidelines for Online Businesses Reiterating the Laws and Regulations Applicable to Online Businesses and Consumers, issued March 4, 2022
  • PEZA Memorandum Circular No. 2022-018– Denial by the FIRB of the Proposal of PEZA to Implement Temporary Measure Under Rule 23 of the CREATE Act IRR, Dated March 10, 2022
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 5, Series of 2022- Guidelines on Corporate Dissolution under Sections 134, 136 and 138 of the Revised Corporation Code, posted March 8, 2022
  • SEC MC No. 04 s. 2022– Disqualification of Directors, Trustees and Officers of Corporations; and the Guidelines on the Procedure for their Removal, Date issued March 2, 2022
  • SEC MC No. 03 s. 2022, Implementation of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 1133 Series of 2021 on the Ceiling/s on Interest Rates and Other Fees Charged by Lending Platforms, issued March 1, 2022

2. Important Laws Pick Up

R.A. No. 11659– An Act Amending Commonwealth Act No. 146, Otherwise known as the Public Service Act, as amended

① R.A. No. 11659 amends the Public Service Act, and clarifies the definitions of Public Utility and Public Service. It also provides that no nationality requirement shall be imposed by the relevant administrative authority on public service not classified as public utilities by any law.

The table below shows a comparison of the nationalized public services which may only be operated by Filipino citizens and corporations which are at least 60% owned by Filipinos before and after the amendments introduced by R.A. No. 11659.

before amendment

as amended by R.A. No. 11659

  • any common carrier, railroad, street railway, traction railway, sub-way motor vehicle, either for freight or passenger, or both with or without fixed route and whether may be its classification, freight or carrier service of any class, 
  • express service, steamboat or steamship line, pontines, ferries, and water craft, engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight or both, shipyard, marine railways, marine repair shop, 
  • [warehouse] wharf or dock 
  • ice plant, ice-refrigeration plant
  • canal, irrigation system 
  • gas, electric light, heat and power water supply
  • Power, petroleum, sewerage system
  • wire or wireless communications system, wire or wireless broadcasting stations; and 
  • other similar public services: 
  • Distribution of electricity
  • Transmission of electricity
  • Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipeline Transmission Systems
  • Water Pipeline Distribution Systems and Wastewater Pipeline Systems, including sewerage pipeline systems

With the amendments foreigners may now fully own telcos, transportation, domestic shipping companies, railways, and subways in the Philippines、among others.

It is noted however that the Public Utility Vehicles such as buses, UV express, taxis and jeepneys are classified as public utility. But the same law expressly removes transport vehicles accredited with and operating through transport network corporations (TNC) shall not be considered as public utility vehicles. TNCs are companies providing online enabled transportation services/ride hailing services like Grab taxi.

② The President may recommend to classify Public Service as Public Utility

The amended Public Service law gives the president the power to recommend to the congress the classification of public service to a public utility upon recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and on the basis of the following criteria.

  • The person or juridical entity regularly supplies and transmits and distributes to the public through a network a commodity or service of public consequence.
  • The commodity or service is a natural monopoly that needs to be regulated for the common good.
  • The commodity or service is necessary for the maintenance of life and occupation of the public.
  • The commodity or service is obligated to provide adequate service to the public on demand.

③ Investments by an Entity Controlled by or Acting on Behalf of the Foreign Government, or Foreign State-owned Enterprises are prohibited・Provision on Critical Infrastructure

From the effectivity of the amendments, an entity controlled by or acting on behalf of the foreign government or foreign state-owned enterprises will no longer be allowed to own capital in any public service classified as public utility or critical infrastructure.

As defined by the amendments, Critical Infrastructure refers to any public service which owns, uses, or operates systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the Philippines that the incapacity or destruction of such systems or assets would have a detrimental impact on national security, including telecommunications and other such vital services as may be declared by the President of the Philippines.

In addition, foreign nationals are not allowed to own more than 50% of the capital of entities engaged in the operation and management of critical infrastructure unless it is from a country which accords the same right to Filipinos.

 ④ Other amendments

  • Under the amended law, any certificate issued under the Public Service act may be suspended or revoked when the holder fails the annual performance audit conducted by an independent evaluation team for three (3) consecutive years.
  • The amendment makes it unlawful for the individual or entity to refuse or neglect a request of an administrative agency to urgently use, deliver or render the public service for the purpose of avoiding further loss on human, material, economic or environment during a state of calamity.
  • The provision requiring prior authority from the government to issue any stock or certificates of stock to increase capital stock, and issuance of bonds has been deleted.
  • Increase in penalty for violations or failing to comply with the terms and conditions of any certificate or any order, decision or regulation of the commission from the maximum of 200 pesos per day to 5,000 to 2,000,000 pesos per day. Other penalties were also increased

R.A. No. 11647-
An Act Promoting Foreign Investments, Amending Thereby Republic Act No. 7042, Otherwise Known as the “Foreign Investments Act of 1991,” (FIA) As Amended, and for Other Purposes, signed March 02, 2022

  •  The Practice of Profession will no longer be subject to the FIA and will be subject to the Rules issued by the respective Professional Regulatory Boards of the Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC).
  • Up to 100% foreign ownership shall be allowed in domestic market with minimum paid-in capital of USD100,000 if:
    a) Involve advanced technology as determined by the Department of Science and Technology
    b) Endorsed as startup or startup enablers under the Philippine Start-up Development Program
    c) A majority of its direct employees are Filipinos, and that the number of Filipino employees shall be less than 15 (before 50).
  • Enterprises enjoying fiscal incentives, employing foreign nationals are mandated to implement an understudy or skills development program.
  • Creation of the Inter-Agency Investment Promotion Coordination Committee (IIPCC) tasked to integrate the promotion and facilitation efforts to encourage foreign investment.
  • Development of an online portal containing the FIPMP (Foreign investment promotion and marketing Plan), with details regarding the IIPCC`s procedures, contacts, schedules, etc. The online Portal is expected to serve as a central database, to include a directory of ready local partners from priority sectors as a tool for promoting investments and businesses matching in local supply chains.
  • Providing for additional fine to public officials and employees involved in foreign investment promotions, who shall commit acts punishable under the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.


Customs Administrative Order No. 02-2022– Rules and Regulations in the Implementation of the ATA System in the Philippines, signed March 18, 2022

The CAO No. 02-2022 implements the ATA Carnet System in accordance with the 1990 World Customs Organization (WCO) Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention). The ATA Carnet, also known as the “passport for goods“ valid for upto 1 year, would allow the temporary import/export of goods covered under Annex B.1. of the Istanbul Convention such as, commercial samples, professional equipment, and articles for presentation at trade fairs, shows, and exhibitions, without payment of duties and taxes.

The following are the general considerations for the temporary admission of goods under the guidelines for the ATA Carnet system issued by the Bureau of Customs (BOC):
The goods (including means of transport) must be imported for a special purpose;
the goods must be intended for re-exportation within the minimum period specified under the Istanbul Convention; and
the goods shall not undergo any change except normal depreciation due to the use made of them.
The following goods which are otherwise covered by the Istanbul Convention are not accepted by the Philippines:

  • ATA Carnet for postal traffic
  • Packings and Articles (including vehicles) which, by their nature, are unsuitable for any purpose other than advertising of specific articles or publicity for a specific purpose;
  • While scientific and pedagogic material was accepted, submission of Customs document shall be required;
  • Tourist publicity materials
  • Goods imported as frontier traffic
  • means of transport
  • animals for transhumance or grazing or for performance of work or transport

DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01 s. 2022- Guidelines for Online Businesses Reiterating the Laws and Regulations Applicable to Online Businesses and Consumers, issued March 4, 2022
The JAO is a reiteration of the rules, regulations and responsibilities of e-Commerce platforms, electronic retailers (e-retailers), and online merchants, and to inform online consumers of their rights and mechanisms for redress, to increase consumer confidence in business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) e-Commerce transactions.

Online businesses are reminded to comply with the Philippine laws, rules and regulations, bearing in mind the following principles of the ASEAN Online Business Code of Conduct:

  • Fair treatment of consumers
  • Upholding responsibilities by valuing consumer rights
  • Compliance with laws and regulations in countries where their goods and services are marketed
  • Conformance to Local Standards such as provision of accurate information in local language of the countries where their goods and services are marketed
  • Ensured quality and safety by ensuring shared responsibility along the entire supply chain
  • Honest and truthful Communication by providing easily accessible, complete, and correct information about their goods and services and adherence to fair advertising and marketing practices
  • Price Transparency
  • Proper recordkeeping
  • Offering options to allow consumers to review their transactions before making the final purchase and to withdraw from a confirmed transaction in appropriate circumstances.
  • Responsive consumer complaint and Redress System
  • Consumer information security
  • Online payment security
  • Desistance from online spamming
  • Non-proliferation of fake online reviews
  • Consumer education on online risks

Online businesses are reminded of the following laws, among others:

A. To protect the public against health and safety:

  • R.A. No. 4109 otherwise known as the “Standards Law” which includes compliance to all Department Administrative Orders issued by the DTI particularly the Technical Regulations issued to ensure and certify product quality and safety.
  • R.A. No. 9211 or the “Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003” and E.O. No. 106 s. 2020
  • R.A. No. 10611 or the “Food and Safety Act of 2013”, P.D. No. 1619 s. 1979, and FDA Circular No. 2019-006
  • Department of Agriculture (DA) regulations
  • DTI Memorandum Circular No. 21-05, series of 2021 which enumerates the 87 products and systems covered under the BPS Mandatory Product Certification Schemes.
  • Requirement for products covered under the DTI Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) Mandatory Certification Schemes:
    +Online platforms, including its sellers, merchants, or e-retailers engaged in the sale of products covered under the DTI-BPS Mandatory Product Certification Schemes shall ensure that such products sold in online platforms bear a valid Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and/or Safety certification Mark, Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) sticker, or any certification mark approved and issued by the DTI-BPS.
    + Manufacturers and importers of products covered under the BPS Mandatory Certification Schemes shall secure the PS Mark or ICC stickers from the BPS. Consistent with requirements of the DTI Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 4, Series of 2008, DAO No. 5, Series of 2008, and the relevant implementing rules and regulations.

B. To protect the public against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices:

  • Prohibition Against Deceptive Online Sales Acts or Practices (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 50 and R.A. No. 8293, Sections 155.1, 155.2 and 165.2(b))
  • Unfair or Unconscionable Sales Act or Practice (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 52 and R.A. No. 8293, Sections 155.1, 155.2 and 165.2(b))

C. Responsibilities of Online Businesses on Consumer Product and Service Warranties, Price Tag Placement, and Labeling

  • Consumer Product and Service Warranty (Civil Code of the Philippines (R.A. No. 386) and R.A. 7394)
  • Labeling Requirements (R.A. no. 7394, R.A. no. 9711, R.A. No. 6675 as amended, E.O. No. 51, P.D. No. 881, R.A. NO. 11346, R.A. No. 9211, R.A. No. 10611 and FDA Circular No. 2019-006)
  • Price Tag Placement (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 81 and 83)

D. Regulated, Restricted and Prohibited Items

  • Online business must exhibit the corresponding license of permit number of the regulated items sold

E. Data Privacy (Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), R.A. No. 10173)

  • Online sellers, merchants, or e-retailers shall handle all personal data of their consumers with the utmost care and respect.
  • Personal information collected shall be retained only for as long as necessary
  • Personal data shall be disposed of or discarded in a secure manner that would prevent further processing, unauthorized access, or disclosure to any other party or the public.
  • Publish and post in their websites or online platforms, or any other similar platform, a Privacy Notice compliant with the DPA.
  • Online merchants that operate their own online application, or any other similar platform are prohibited from asking unnecessary information from the consumers
  • to determine the most appropriate criteria for the processing of personal data, prior to the collection of personal data.
  • Implementation of reasonable and appropriate security measures intended for the protection of the personal data and shall not be used for purposes not authorized by the consumer.
  • Inform the consumers of their rights under the DPA
  • Only disclose information when lawfully required and allowed by law, such as when requested by public authorities.

Liabilities of Online Businesses and E-commerce platforms and E-marketplaces:

  • Liability for defective product and service (R.A. No. 7394, Tile III, Chapter V, Articles 98 and 97)
  • Liability for the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods (R.A. No. 8293 and R.A. No. 8203, otherwise known as the “Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs”
  • E-commerce platforms, e-marketplaces, and the like are treated and are liable in the same manner as online sellers, merchants, and e-retailers, when the latter commits any violation of the laws implemented by these issuance.

PEZA Memorandum Circular No. 2022-018- Denial by the FIRB of the Proposal of PEZA to Implement Temporary Measure Under Rule 23 of the CREATE Act IRR, Dated March 10, 2022

On 01 April 2022, all registered IT/BPO enterprises shall conduct their registered activities/projects onsite or within the territorial boundaries of the PEZA-registered IT Centers/Buildings or Parks. Onsite means that the employees of the enterprises are physically present inside the IT Centers/Buildings.

SEC MC No. 5, series of 2022

The SEC promulgated these requirements and guidelines for corporate dissolution under the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines (RCC). The guidelines are the standardized procedure on corporate dissolution under the authority of the Company Registration and Monitoring Department (CRMD) and SEC Extension Offices. In particular the following are the requirements for each type of dissolution covered:

① Voluntary dissolution where no creditors are affected

  • Verified Request for Dissolution signed by the corporation’s authorized representative containing the information found in Section 1 of the guidelines.
  • Verification and Certification Against Forum Shopping
  • Supporting documents:
    + Notarized copy of the board resolution or director’s/trustees’ certificate authorizing the dissolution and designating an authorized representative.
    + Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Meeting
    + Latest due General Information Sheet (GIS)
    + Audited Financial Statement (AFS) as of the last fiscal year
    + Affidavit executed under oath by the President and the Treasurer that the dissolution is not prejudicial to the interest of the creditors; and that there is no opposition from any creditors.
    + Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Tax Clearance Certificate
    + Notarized Secretary’s Certificate of no pending case involving intra-corporate dispute;
    + Clearance/Favorable recommendation from other Departments of the Commission or from the appropriate regulatory agency, when necessary.
  • Favorable Recommendation – Banks, banking and quasi-banking institutions, preneed, insurance and trust companies, Non-stock Savings and Loans Associations (NSSLAs), pawnshops and other financial intermediaries need a favorable recommendation form the appropriate government agency.

② Dissolution by shortening corporate term

  • Amendment to shorten corporate term where the proposed expiration of the corporate term is one year or more than one year from approval of the application for amendment under Corporate and Partnership Registration Division (CPRD) if CRM or SEC Extension Office.
    + Cover Sheet
    + Notarized Director’s Certificate signed by majority of the directors or trustees and the corporate secretary, attesting that: 1.) the dissolution by shortening of corporate term was approved by the majority of the board of directors/trustees and ratified by at least 2/3 vote of the stockholders representing the outstanding capital stock including the holders of non-voting shares; 2.) date and place of the stockholders’ or members’ meeting; and 3. the tax identification number (TIN of the signatories)
    + Amended Articles of Incorporation (AOI)
    + Compliance Monitoring Division (CMD) Monitoring Clearance
    + Notarized Secretary Certificate of no pending case involving intra corporate dispute
    + Clearance/Favorable recommendation from other Departments of the Commission or from the appropriate regulatory agency, when necessary.
  • Amendment to shorten corporate term where the proposed expiration of the corporate term is less than one year, from approval of the application for amendment under Financial Analysis and Audit Division (FAAD) of the CRMD or SEC Extension Office.
    + Cover sheet
    + Notarized Director’s Certificate signed by majority of the directors or trustees and the corporate secretary, attesting that: 1.) the dissolution by shortening of corporate term was approved by the majority of the board of directors/trustees and ratified by at least 2/3 vote of the stockholders representing the outstanding capital stock including the holders of non-voting shares; 2.) date and place of the stockholders’ or members’ meeting; and 3.TIN of the signatories
    + Amended AOI
    + AFS as of last fiscal year, except in certain cases where different requirement apply
    + Affidavit executed under oath by the President and the Treasurer that the dissolution is not prejudicial to the interest of the creditors; and that there is no opposition from any creditors.
    + Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Tax Clearance Certificate
    + Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Meeting (once)
    + Notarized Secretary’s Certificate of no pending case involving intra-corporate dispute;
    + Clearance/Favorable recommendation from other Departments of the Commission or from the appropriate regulatory agency, when necessary.
  • All proposed expiration of corporate term must contemplate a future date. No application for amendment under Section 136 of the RCC shall be accepted if the proposed expiration of corporate term had already lapsed at the time of the filing of the application.

③ Involuntary dissolution ordered by the SEC of upon filing of a verified complaint by any interested party

  • Under Section 138 of the RCC, the Commission may at its own discretion, or upon filing of verified complaint by any interested party, dissolve a corporation based on the following:
    + Non-use of corporate charter as provided under Section 21 of the RCC
    + Continuous inoperation of a corporation as provided under Section 21 of the RCC
    + Upon receipt of lawful court order dissolving the corporation
    + Upon finding by final judgment that the corporation produced procured its incorporation through fraud; and
    + Upon finding by final judgment that the corporation
       – was created for the purpose of committing, concealing or aiding the commission of securities violations, smuggling, tax evasion, money laundering or graft and corrupt practices;
       – Committed or aided in the commission of the instances in enumerated in the preceding paragraph; and
       – Repeatedly and knowingly tolerated the commission of graft and corrupt practices or other fraudulent practices or other fraudulent or illegal acts by its directors, trustees, officers, or employees.
    + Moreover Section 6(i) of the Presidential Decree (PD) 902-A provides for the revocation of certificate of registration of a corporation based on the following grounds:
       – Fraud in the procurement of certificate of registration
       – Failure to file or register any of the following for a period of at least five (5) years: 1.) AFS; 2.) GIS; and 3.) Stock and Transfer Book or Membership Book

SEC MC No. 03 s. 2022, Implementation of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 1133 Series of 2021 on the Ceiling/s on Interest Rates and Other Fees Charged by Lending Platforms, issued March 1, 2022

  • This interest ceiling rates prescribed by this circular applies to unsecured, general-purpose loans offered by financing companies (FCs) and Lending Companies (LCs) and their Online Lending Platforms (OLPs) not exceeding P10,000 and loan tenor of up to 4 months that are entered into, restructured, or renewed beginning March 3, 2022.
  • The following are the ceiling on interest rates and other fees for specific loans offered by LCs, FCs, and their OLPs:
    + A nominal interest rate ceiling equivalent to 6 percent (6%) per month (~0.2 % per day)
    + An EIR ceiling equivalent to 15 percent per month (~0.5% per day), which shall include the Nominal Interest Rate along with all other applicable fees and charges (i.e., processing fees, service fees, notarial fees, handling fees and verification fees, among others), but excluding fees and penalties for late payment and non-payment.
    + A cap on penalties for late payment or non-payment at 5 percent (5%) per month on outstanding scheduled amounts due.
    + A total cost cap of 100 percent (100%) of tidal amount borrowed (applying to all interest, other fees and charges, and penalties) regardless of time the loan has been outstanding.
  • All FCs and LCs whether or not offering loans covered by the ceiling have to submit an Impact Evaluation Report (IER) on or before January 15 each year beginning 2023.
  • All FCs and LCs whether or not offering loans covered by the ceiling need to submit a Business Plan indicating the company’s loan products and services as well as the applicable pricing parameters.
  • FCs and LCs that are non-compliant with the prescribed interest ceiling rates shall be subject to a penalty or P50,000 to P1,000,000. The SEC may also suspend the corporation’s operations or revoke its primary registration.
  • Depending on the frequency of the offense, failure to submit the IER shall be subject to P10,000 and P 200.00 daily penalty or suspension or revocation of CA.
  • Late or non-submission of the required Business plan will be subject to P10,000 and P 200.00 daily penalty or suspension or revocation of CAD. E

3. What Actions Should Foreign Companies Do?

  • With the successive law amendments easing foreign investment in the Philippines, especially the above discussed amended Public Service Act and FIA, it is a good opportunity for foreign investors to consider investing in the Philippines once more.
  • Corporations and persons engaged in online business or e-commerce in the Philippines are reminded of their respective responsibilities as such, under DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01 s. 2022
  • All concerned corporations and entities are made aware of the implementing regulations issued by the BOC relating to the implementation of the Philippine’s accession to the ATA Carnet Convention so they can take advantage of the benefits of importing to the Philippines of goods qualified to be exempted from taxes and duties under the convention.
  • PEZA registered IT and BPO should commence office work and activities at their registered PEZA offices starting April 1, 2022.
  • Corporations are reminded to submit their annual reportorial requirements (AFS and GIS) through the eFAST implemented by the SEC through SEC MC No. 02, series of 2022. The same MC also provides for the schedule of filing of the said requirements.
  • Corporations are reminded of the grounds for involuntary dissolution of corporations as reiterated in SEC MC No. 5, series of 2022. Corporations must not take the annual reportorial requirements imposed by the RCC as the failure to file the corporation’s AFS, GIS and stock and transfer books for a period of 5 years, may result in involuntary dissolution of the corporation.
  • Corporations engaged in the business as FCs or LCs in the Philippines should be aware of the loans subjected to the interest rate ceiling interest and the required reportorial requirements under SEC MC No. 03 s. 2022 implementing BSP Circular No. 1133 Series of 2021, to avoid being penalized by fine, suspension or revocation of corporate license.

Philippines Laws 360: ニュースレター (2022年5月)


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1. 公布法令一覧

  • Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No. 6957, “An Act Authorizing the Financing, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Infrastructure Projects by the Private Sector and for Other Purposes”, As Amended by R.A. No. 7718, approved March 31, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11659- An Act Amending Commonwealth Act No. 146, Otherwise known as the Public Service Act, as amended, signed March 21. 2022
  • R.A. No. 11650– An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education, Establishing Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in All Schools Districts, Municipalities and Cities, Providing for Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes, signed March 11, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11648– An Act Providing for Stronger Protection Against Rape and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Increasing the Age for Determining the Commission of Statutory Rape, Amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, as Amended, Otherwise Known as “The Revised Penal Code,” Republic Act No/ 8353, Also Known as “The Anti-Rape Law of 1995,” and Republic Act No. 7610, As Amended, Otherwise Known as the “Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act, signed March 04, 2022
  • R.A. No. 11647– An Act Promoting Foreign Investments, Amending Thereby Republic Act No. 7042, Otherwise Known as the “Foreign Investments Act of 1991,” As Amended, and for Other Purposes, signed March 02, 2022
  • Executive Order No. 165– Prescribing Regulations on Out-of-Home Advertising Signs and Billboards, signed March 21, 2022
  • Executive Order No. 166– Adopting the Ten-Point Agenda to Accelerate and Sustain Economic Recovery From the Covid-19 Pandemic, and Directing a Whole-of-Government Approach to Align All Economic Recovery Programs and Measures of the National Government, signed March 21, 2022
  • A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC- Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level Courts, dated March 1, 2022
  • Reminder to Update Covered Person Information Via ORS, AMLC, Posted March 25, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1141– Amendments to the Regulations on the internal Audit Function of a Trust Corporation, issued March 29, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1142– Amendments to the Guidelines on the Computation of Minimum Required Capital and Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Ratio, issued March 29, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1140– Amendments to Regulations on Information Technology Risk Management, issued March 24, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1139– Guidelines for Reporting Islamic Banking and Finance Transactions/Arrangements, issued March 23, 2022
  • BSP Circular No. 1138– Regulatory Reporting Standards for Operators of Payment System (OPS), issued March 01, 2022
  • Customs Administrative Order No. 02-2022- Rules and Regulations in the Implementation of the ATA System in the Philippines, signed March 18, 2022
  • BI Advisory– Revised Travel Restrictions Guidelines and Quarantine Classifications, uploaded March 15, 2022
  • Labor Advisory No. 07 s.2022– Employer’s Work Accident Illness Report (WAIR), dated March 16, 2022
  • Labor Advisory No. 06 s. 2022– Closure of the DOLE Covid-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) 3 Online Applications
  • Labor Advisory No. 05-22– Guidelines on the Payment of Wages for Employees in the Private Sector Covered in the National COVID-19 Vaccination Day (NVD), poster March 10, 2022
  • FDA Circular No. 09 March 2022- Extension of FDA Circular No. 2021-015 entitled “Interim Guidelines on the Renewal of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Clearance of Foreign Drug Manufacturers, (2021-015-A)
  • DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01 s. 2022– Guidelines for Online Businesses Reiterating the Laws and Regulations Applicable to Online Businesses and Consumers, issued March 4, 2022
  • PEZA Memorandum Circular No. 2022-018– Denial by the FIRB of the Proposal of PEZA to Implement Temporary Measure Under Rule 23 of the CREATE Act IRR, Dated March 10, 2022
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 5, Series of 2022- Guidelines on Corporate Dissolution under Sections 134, 136 and 138 of the Revised Corporation Code, posted March 8, 2022
  • SEC MC No. 04 s. 2022– Disqualification of Directors, Trustees and Officers of Corporations; and the Guidelines on the Procedure for their Removal, Date issued March 2, 2022
  • SEC MC No. 03 s. 2022, Implementation of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 1133 Series of 2021 on the Ceiling/s on Interest Rates and Other Fees Charged by Lending Platforms, issued March 1, 2022
2. 重要法令ピックアップ

R.A. No. 11659- An Act Amending Commonwealth Act No. 146, Otherwise known as the Public Service Act, as amended

① R.A. No.11659は,Public Service Actを改正し,Public UtilityとPublic Serviceの定義を明確化したものです。また、いかなる法律によっても公益事業に分類されない公共サービスについては、関連する行政当局によって国籍要件が課されることはないと規定しています。

下表は、R.A. No.11659による改正の前後で、フィリピン国民とフィリピン人が60%以上所有する企業のみが運営できる国営の公共サービスを比較したものです。


R.A. No. 11659による改正後

  • 運送業者、鉄道、路面電車、牽引鉄道、サブウェイ自動車、貨物用または旅客用のいずれか、または固定ルートの有無にかかわらず、その分類、貨物または任意のクラスのキャリアサービスであるかどうか、その両方。
  • エクスプレスサービス、蒸気船または蒸気船ライン、ポンティン、フェリー、および水上クラフト、旅客または貨物またはその両方の輸送に従事し、造船所、海洋鉄道、海洋修理工場。
  • [倉庫] 波止場またはドック 
  • 製氷所、氷冷プラント
  • 運河、灌漑システム
  • ガス、電灯、熱、電力 水道
  • 電力、石油、下水道設備
  • 有線または無線通信システム、有線または無線放送局、および 
  • その他類似の公共サービス
  • 電力流通
  • 送電
  • 石油および石油製品パイプラインの輸送システム
  • 上水道パイプライン配水システムおよび下水道パイプラインシステム(下水道パイプラインシステムを含む)


ただし、公共交通機関であるバス、UVエクスプレス、タクシー、ジプニーは公共事業として分類されます。しかし、同法は、交通ネットワーク企業(TNC)に認定され、TNCを通じて運行する交通車両は、公共事業用車両とみなしてはならないことを明示しています。TNC とは、Grab タクシーのように、オンラインを利用した輸送サービスやライドヘイリングサービスを提供する企業です。

② 大統領は公共事業を公益事業として分類するよう勧告できます。

改正されたPublic Service lawでは、国家経済開発庁(NEDA)の勧告に基づき、以下の基準で公共サービスの公益事業への分類を議会に勧告する権限を大統領に与えています。

  • 個人または法人が、公共性の高い商品またはサービスをネットワークを通じて定期的に供給し、公衆に送信および配布していること。
  • その商品またはサービスが、公共の利益のために規制される必要のある自然独占であること。
  • 商品またはサービスが、公衆の生活および生業の維持に必要なものであること。
  • その商品またはサービスが、公衆の要求に応じて適切なサービスを提供する義務を負っている。lic on demand.

③ 外国政府によって支配され、または外国政府のために行動する組織、または外国国有企業による投資は禁止される。




④ その他の改正点

  • 改正法の下では、公共サービス法に基づき発行された証明書は、保有者が独立評価チームによる年次業績監査に3年連続で不合格となった場合、停止または取り消される可能性があります。
  • この改正により、個人または法人が、災害時に人的、物的、経済的または環境上の損失の拡大を回避する目的で、行政機関から緊急に使用、提供または公共サービスを提供するよう要請された場合、これを拒否または無視することは違法とされています。
  • 資本金を増加させるための株式または株券の発行、および社債の発行に政府の事前承認を必要とする規定が削除されました。
  • 証明書や委員会の命令、決定、規制の条件に違反した場合、または遵守しなかった場合の罰金を、1日あたり最高200ペソから5,000〜2,000,000ペソに増額。その他の罰則も引き上げられました。

R.A. No. 11647-
An Act Promoting Foreign Investments, Amending Thereby Republic Act No. 7042, Otherwise Known as the “Foreign Investments Act of 1991,” (FIA) As Amended, and for Other Purposes, signed March 02, 2022

  • 職業訓練は、今後FIAの適用を受けず、フィリピン規制委員会(PRC)の各専門家規制委員会が発行する規則に従うことになります。
  • 以下の場合、最低資本金 10 万米ドルで、国内市場において 100%までの外国人所有が認められます。
    a. 科学技術省が定める先端技術に関わるもの。
    b. フィリピンスタートアップ開発プログラムのもと、スタートアップまたはスタートアップイネーブラーとして承認されていること。
    c. 直接雇用する従業員の過半数がフィリピン人であり、フィリピン人従業員数が15人未満であること(50人未満)。
  • 財政的な優遇措置を受け、外国人を雇用している企業は、代役や技能開発プログラムの実施が義務付けられている。
  • 外国からの投資を促進するために、促進・円滑化の努力を統合することを任務とする省庁間投資促進調整委員会(IIPCC)の創設。
  • FIPMP(外国投資促進・マーケティング計画)、IIPCCの手続き、連絡先、スケジュール等に関する詳細を含むオンラインポータルの開発。オンラインポータルは、投資促進や現地サプライチェーンでのビジネスマッチングのためのツールとして、優先分野の現地パートナーのディレクトリを含む中央データベースとして機能することが期待される。
  • 外国投資推進に携わる公務員や職員が、汚職・腐敗行為防止法に基づく処罰の対象となる行為を行った場合、追加罰金を科すことを規定する。

Customs Administrative Order No. 02-2022– Rules and Regulations in the Implementation of the ATA System in the Philippines, signed March 18, 2022

CAO 02-2022は、1990年の世界税関機構(WCO)の臨時入国許可条約(イスタンブール条約)に基づき、ATAカルネシステムを実施するものです。ATAカルネは、最長1年間有効な「商品のパスポート」とも呼ばれ、見本市、ショー、展示会で展示するための商品など、イスタンブール条約の付属書B.1.に該当する商品の一時輸出入を関税や税金を支払うことなく許可するものです。


  • 商品(輸送手段を含む)は、特別な目的のために輸入されたものでなければならない。
  • イスタンブール条約で定められた最短期間内に再輸出される予定の貨物であること。
  • 使用による通常の減価償却を除き、変化がないこと。


  • 郵便輸送のためのATAカルネ
  • 包装物及び物品(車両を含む)で、その性質上、特定の物品の広告又は特定の目的のための宣伝以外の目的には適さないもの。
  • 科学的、教育的な資料は受け入れられましたが、税関書類の提出が必要です。
  • 観光宣伝用資料
  • フロンティアとして輸入された商品 トラフィック
  • 輸送手段
  • 牧畜用または放牧用または作業や輸送の実行のための動物

DTI Joint Administrative Order No. 22-01 s. 2022– Guidelines for Online Businesses Reiterating the Laws and Regulations Applicable to Online Businesses and Consumers, issued March 4, 2022



  • 消費者の公正な扱い
  • 消費者の権利を尊重し、責任を果たすこと
  • 商品やサービスが販売されている国の法令を遵守すること。
  • 商品・サービスを販売する国の言語による正確な情報提供など、現地基準への適合性
  • サプライチェーン全体での責任分担を徹底し、品質と安全性を確保
  • 商品とサービスに関するアクセスしやすく、完全で正しい情報を提供し、公正な広告とマーケティング慣行を遵守することによる、誠実で真摯なコミュニケーション
  • 価格の透明性
  • 適切な記録管理
  • 消費者が最終購入前に取引を確認し、適切な状況下で確定した取引を取り消すことができるオプションを提供すること。
  • 対応可能な消費者苦情及び救済制度
  • 消費者情報の安全性
  • オンライン決済の安全性
  • オンラインスパムへの抵抗
  • 偽のオンラインレビューの不拡散
  • オンラインリスクに関する消費者教育
  • オンラインビジネスは、特に以下の法律に注意する必要があります。

F. 安全衛生からの公衆保護のための法律

  • R.A. No. 4109 、別名 「Standards Law」は、DTI が発行するすべての行政命令、特に製品の品質と安全性を確保し認証するために発行される技術規則への準拠を含んでいる。
  • R.A. No. 9211別名「Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003」および E.O. No. 106 s. 2020
  • R.A. No. 10611別名「Food and Safety Act of 2013」、P.D. No. 1619 s. 1979, およびFDA Circular No. 2019-006
  • Department of Agriculture (DA) regulations
  • DTI Memorandum Circular No. 21-05、2021年シリーズ、BPS強制製品認証スキームの対象となる87の製品およびシステムを列挙したもの
  • DTI Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) Mandatory Certification Schemesの対象となる製品の要件は以下の通り:
    + DTI-BPS Mandatory Product Certification Schemesの対象製品の販売に従事する販売者、商人、または電子小売業者 を含むオンラインプラットフォームは、オンラインプラットフォームで販売される当該製品に、有効なフィリピン規格(PS)品質および/または安全認証マーク、輸入商品認可(ICC)ステッカー、または DTI-BPS が承認および発行する認証マークが付されていることを保証しなければならない。
    + Manufacturers and importers of products covered under the BPS Mandatory Certification Schemeの対象となる製品の製造業者および輸入業者はBPSからPSマークまたはICCステッカーを確保するものとする。DTI Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 4、2008年シリーズ、DAO2008年第5号シリーズ、および関連する実施規則・規制の要件に合致している。

G. 欺瞞的、不公平、非良心的な販売行為および慣行からの公衆保護に関する法律

  • オンライン販売における欺瞞的行為または慣行の禁止 (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 50 and R.A. No. 8293, Sections 155.1, 155.2 and 165.2(b))
  • 不公正または非良心的な販売法または慣行 (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 52 and R.A. No. 8293, Sections 155.1, 155.2 and 165.2(b))

H. 消費者製品およびサービスの保証、値札の付け方、および表示に関するオンライン企業の責任

  • 消費者製品およびサービスの保証(Civil Code of the Philippines (R.A. No. 386) and R.A. 7394)
  • ラベリング要件 (R.A. no. 7394, R.A. no. 9711, R.A. No. 6675 as amended, E.O. No. 51, P.D. No. 881, R.A. NO. 11346, R.A. No. 9211, R.A. No. 10611 and FDA Circular No. 2019-006)
  • プライスタグの設置 (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 81 and 83)

I. 規制品目、制限品目および禁止品目

  • オンライン販売業者、マーチャント、またはeリテーラーは、消費者のすべての個人情報を最大限の注意と敬意をもって取り扱わなければならない。

J. 情報保護 (Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), R.A. No. 10173)

  • オンライン販売業者、マーチャント、またはeリテーラーは、消費者のすべての個人情報を最大限の注意と敬意をもって取り扱わなければならない。
  • 収集した個人情報は、必要な期間だけ保持する。
  • 個人データは、さらなる処理、不正アクセス、または他の当事者や公衆への開示を防ぐような安全な方法で廃棄または処分しなければならない。
  • 自社のWebサイトやオンラインプラットフォーム、またはその他類似のプラットフォームにおいて、DPAに準拠したプライバシー通知を発行し、掲載すること。
  • 自社でオンラインアプリケーションを運営するオンラインマーチャント、またはその他の類似のプラットフォームは、消費者から不必要な情報を求めることを禁じられている。
  • 個人情報の収集に先立ち、個人情報の処理に最も適切な基準を決定するために、消費者から不必要な情報を収集することを禁止する。
  • 個人データの保護を目的とした合理的かつ適切なセキュリティ対策の実施、及び消費者が許可していない目的での使用はしない。
  • DPAに基づく消費者の権利について、消費者に通知する。
  • 公的機関からの要請等、法律上必要かつ許容される場合にのみ情報を開示すること。


  • 製品およびサービスの欠陥に対する責任 (R.A. No. 7394, Tile III, Chapter V, Articles 98 and 97)
  • 偽造品や海賊版の販売に対する責任 (R.A. No. 8293 and R.A. No. 8203, otherwise known as the “Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs”
  • 電子商取引プラットフォーム、e-マーケットプレイスなどは、オンライン販売者、商人、電子小売業者がこれらの発行によって実施される法律に違反した場合、同じように扱われ、責任を負わされる。

PEZA Memorandum Circular No. 2022-018- Denial by the FIRB of the Proposal of PEZA to Implement Temporary Measure Under Rule 23 of the CREATE Act IRR, Dated March 10, 2022

SEC MC No. 5, series of 2022

SECは、フィリピン改正会社法(RCC)に基づき、この会社解散の要件とガイドラインを公布しています。このガイドラインは、会社登録監視局(Company Registration and Monitoring Department:CRMD)及びSEC拡張局の権限の下、会社解散に関する標準的な手続きです。特に、対象となる各解散の要件は以下の通りです。

① 債権者に影響を与えない任意解散

  • ガイドラインのセクション1に記載されている情報を含む、企業の正式な代表者によって署名された検証済みの解散請求書。
  • Forum Shoppingに対する検証および認証
  • 添付書類
    + 解散を承認し、権限のある代表者を指定した取締役会決議または取締役/管財人の証明書の公証済みコピー。
    + 発行者のAffidavit of Publication of the Notice of Meeting
    + 最新版の General Information Sheet (GIS)
    + 前会計年度のAudited Financial Statement (AFS)
    + 解散が債権者の利益を損なわないこと、および債権者からの反対がないことについて、社長および会計責任者が宣誓して実行する宣誓供述書。
    + Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Tax Clearance Certificate
    + 企業内紛争に関わる係争がないことの公証済み秘書証明書。
    + 必要な場合、委員会の他部門または適切な規制機関からのクリアランス/好意的な推薦。
  • Favorable Recommendation – 銀行、銀行および準銀行機関、プレニード、保険および信託会社、無株式貯蓄貸付組合(NSSLA)、質屋、その他の金融仲介業者は、適切な政府機関からの有利な勧告が必要。

② 会社期間の短縮による解散

  • Corporate and Partnership Registration Division(CPRD)(CRMの場合)又はSECエクステンションオフィスでの補正申請の承認から1年以上経過した場合、会社期間の短縮のための補正を行う。
    + カバーシート
    + 取締役または評議員の過半数およびコーポレートセクレタリーが署名した、以下の事項を証明する公証済みの取締役証明書。1.) 任期短縮による解散が取締役会/評議員の過半数によって承認され、無議決権株式の保有者を含む発行済み資本金を代表する株主の少なくとも2/3の投票によって承認されたこと 2.) 株主総会または会員会議の日付と場所 3.) 署名者の TIN (Tax Identification Number)
    + Amended Articles of Incorporation (AOI)
    + Compliance Monitoring Division (CMD) Monitoring Clearance
    + 企業内紛争に関わる未解決事件のない公証された秘書証明書
    + 必要に応じて、委員会の他の部署または適切な規制機関からのクリアランス/好意的な推奨
  • 会社期間短縮のための修正申請(会社期間の満了が1年未満の場合、CRMDの財務分析・監査部(FAAD)またはSEC Extension Officeで修正申請が承認された時点から)。
    + カバーシート
    + 取締役または評議員の過半数およびコーポレートセクレタリーが署名した、以下の事項を証明する公証された取締役証明書。1.) 任期短縮による解散が取締役会/評議員会の過半数によって承認され、無議決権株式の保有者を含む発行済み資本金を代表する株主の少なくとも2/3の投票によって承認されたこと 2.) 株主総会または会員会議の日付と場所 3.) 署名者のTIN
    + 修正したAOI
    + 最終会計年度のAFS(ただし、異なる要件が適用される特定のケースを除く。
    + 解散が債権者の利益を損なわないこと、および債権者からの反対がないことについて、会長と会計係が宣誓して実行する宣誓供述書。
    + Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Tax Clearance Certificate
    + Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Meeting (1回のみ)
    + 企業内紛争に関わる係争がないことの公証済み秘書証明書
    + 必要な場合、委員会の他の部署または適切な規制機関からの承認/好意的な勧告。
  • 会社の期間満了に関するすべての提案は、将来の日付を想定したものでなければなりません。RCC第136条に基づく補正の申請は、申請時に提案された法人期間の満了がすでに経過している場合は受理されません。

③ 利害関係者が検証された訴状を提出することにより、SECが命じた任意解散

  • RCC第138条に基づき、委員会は自らの裁量で、あるいは利害関係者が検証済みの訴状を提出した上で、以下の理由により会社を解散させることができます。
    + RCC第21条に規定される法人格の不使用
    + RCC第21条に規定される会社の継続的な運営不能。
    + 法人を解散させる合法的な裁判所の命令を受けた場合
    + 法人が詐欺によって設立されたと最終判決で判明した場合、および
    + 最終判決において、当該会社が
       – 証券取引法違反、密輸、脱税、マネーロンダリングまたは接待および汚職を犯し、隠匿しまたは幇助する目的で設立された法人であること。
       – 前項で列挙された事例を実行または幇助したこと。
       – その理事、評議員、役員または従業員による接待および汚職行為またはその他の不正行為または違法行為の実行を反復して、かつ故意に容認したこと。
    + さらに大統領令(PD)902-Aの第6条(i)は、以下の理由に基づく企業の登録証の取り消しについて定めている。
       – 登録証の調達における不正行為
       – 以下のいずれかを少なくとも5年間、提出または登録しなかった場合。1.) AFS、2.GIS、3.) 株式および名義書換簿または会員名簿

SEC MC No. 03 s. 2022, Implementation of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular No. 1133 Series of 2021 on the Ceiling/s on Interest Rates and Other Fees Charged by Lending Platforms, issued March 1, 2022

  • 本サーキュラーで規定される金利上限は、2022年3月3日から締結、再編、更新される、金融会社(FC)、レンディング会社(LC)およびそのオンラインレンディングプラットフォーム(OLP)が提供する1万ペソ以下、融資期間4ヶ月以下の無担保、一般目的のローンに適用されます。
  • LC、FCおよびそのOLPが提供する特定の融資の金利およびその他の手数料の上限は、以下のとおりです。
    + 名目金利は月6%(1日当たり0.2%)相当が上限。
    + 1 ヶ月あたり 15%(1日あたり 0.5%)に相当する EIR の上限。この上限には、名目金利に加え、その他すべての適用可能な手数料 (処理手数料、サービス手数料、公証手数料、取扱手数料、確認手数料など)が含まれるが、 支払遅延や不払いに対する手数料や罰則は除外されるものとする。
    + 支払遅延または不払いのための違約金の上限は、未払い予定金額に対して毎月5%です。
    + 総費用は、借入期間にかかわらず、借入額の100%(利息、その他の手数料、違約金を含む)です。
  • 上限が適用されるローンを提供するか否かに関わらず、すべてのFCおよびLCは、2023年から毎年1月15日までに影響評価報告書(Impact Evaluation Report (IER)を提出する必要がある。
  • シーリングの対象となる融資を行うか否かにかかわらず、すべてのFCおよびLCは、自社の融資商品およびサービス、ならびに適用される価格パラメータを示すビジネスプランを提出する必要がある。
  • 所定の上限金利を遵守しないFCとLCは、5万から100万ペソのペナルティを課されます。
  • また、SECは、当該法人の業務を停止するか、一次登録を取り消すことできる。
  • 違反の頻度に応じて、IERの未提出は、日額10,000ペソおよび200ペソの罰金、またはCAの停止もしくは取り消しの対象となるものとする。
  • 要求されたビジネスプランの提出が遅れた場合、あるいは未提出の場合、日額10,000ペソおよび200ペソの罰金、あるいは認証機関の停止または取り消しの対象とな
3. 外国企業はどのような対応を取る必要があるでしょうか。


フィリピンでオンラインビジネスや電子商取引を行う企業や個人は、DTI Joint Administrative Order No.22-01 s. 2022に基づき、それぞれの責任を再認識することになります。


企業は、2022年のSEC MC No.02を通じて、SECが導入したeFASTを通じて、年次報告要件(AFSとGIS)を提出するよう求められています。また、同MCは、同要件の提出スケジュールについても定めています。

企業は、SEC MC No.5, series of 2022で繰り返し述べられているように、企業の非自発的解散の事由に留意する必要があります。企業は、RCCによって課される年次報告要件を、企業のAFS、GIS、株式譲渡帳簿を5年間提出しない場合、企業の非自発的解散につながる可能性があるため、これを無視してはなりません。

フィリピンでFCまたはLCとして事業を行う法人は、罰金、法人ライセンスの停止または取り消しによる処罰を避けるため、上限金利の対象となる融資、およびBSP Circular No.1133 Series of 2021を実装したSEC MC 03 s. 2022による報告義務に留意する必要があります。



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