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Singapore: Asia Law 360 January Newsletter(December 2022 updates)

This newsletter provides an update on the laws that have been passed during the previous month. The newsletter aims at highlighting the laws that have a big impact on the businesses in Singapore.

Any opinions, views, conclusions and other information in this newsletter do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Readers intending to seek legal advice should engage One Asia Lawyers Group, for more information on how to engage us, please send an email to

The list of promulgated laws only contains Legislation (Acts of Parliament) that have been passed by the Parliament of Singapore and published on the Singapore Government Agency Website. Occasionally, we will include some secondary legislation (rules, regulations or notices created by Ministers under the power given to them by the Act of Parliament) if we think they are important to the business in Singapore.

The important laws we chose to discuss may not always be passed in the previous month, especially when no laws were passed in that particular month or the laws passed have minimal impact on foreign businesses.

1. List of promulgated laws 

Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2022   Act 39 of 2022 Date of Commencement: 3 January 2023

–   An Act amending the first column of the Schedule of the Penal Code

Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment No. 3) Act 2022 Act 40 of 2022 Date of Commencement: 3 January 2023

–   An Act introducing the institution of marriage to the Constitution

Post-appeal Applications in Capital Cases Act 2022  Act 41 of 2022 Date of Commencement: Undecided

–   An Act introducing new procedure to deal with the appeal of capital cases

State Lands Protection Act 2022    Act 42 of 2022

  • Featured in our 360 newsletter 

2. Important Laws Pick Up


Ministry of Manpower to strengthen protections for platform workers (not legislation)

On 23 November 2022, the Singapore Ministry of Manpower published an announcement stating that they accept all 12 recommendations by the Advisory Committee on Platform Workers, at the same time also confirming that Platform Workers are not employees.

Platform workers refer to delivery workers, private-hire car drivers and taxi drivers who use online platforms to match with customers to provide delivery and transport services.

The Advisory Committee on Platform Workers was convened in September 2021 to look into strengthening protections for Platform Workers in financial protection in case of work injury, and improving housing and retirement adequacy and representation.

The recommendations include providing the same scope and level of work injury compensation as employees’ entitlement under the Work Injury Compensation Act 2019, the Platform Companies (employers of the Platform Workers) to provide Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions at the same rates as employers, Platform Workers to provide different CPF rates according to their age and grant Platform Workers the right to seek formal representation through a new representation framework which will allow them to organise and register themselves with MOM as new representative bodies.

Changes to legislation will need to be made and the Government expects to implement the recommendations in the later part of 2024 at the earliest.

What foreign companies should do?

Although the changes have yet to be reflected in the law, companies that may quality of Platform Companies shall be prepared for these changes to be implemented in the coming year.

State Lands Protection Act 2022

The State Lands Protection Act 2022 (“Act”) received the President assent on 27 December 2022 and will  

comes into operation on a date that the Minister appoints by notification in the Gazette. This Act provides for the protection of State lands and repeals the State Lands Encroachments Act 1883.

Some key amendments of this Act are,

– Updated definition of the word “structure”, now any structure constructed on, under or over the State Land, including any works for the reclamation of land may amount to an encroachment

– Increased penalties, for anyone found to be liable for unauthorised activities, the penalties are a maximum fine of $50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $500 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction. For repeated offenders convicted of depositing or leaving on State land any waste, goods or any other thing, they may be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.

– Additional punishments upon conviction like monetary compensation may be ordered for loss or damage suffered by the Government due to the offence, for example, the costs and expenses incurred in fixing the damage caused or the loss incurred by an electricity licensee or a gas licensee to discontinue the supply of electricity, gas or water.

– Resumption of land, previously, land abandoned for three years or more is forfeited to the State if no claim is established within six months from the date of a gazette. The claim period is now reduced to three months to expedite the process, and there will no longer be a requirement for a physical notice of the declaration to be posted on the land. Instead, the notice will be published in the major local newspapers to ensure that there will still be adequate publicity of the fact.

What foreign companies should do? 

It is important to note that enforcement agencies are now equipped with wider power and the penalties under the State Land Protection Act 2022 have been raised, care shall be taken not to encroach or damage the State Land.

Singapore Law 360: ニュースレター(2022年12月)


本ニュースレターの意見、観点、結論およびその他の情報は法的アドバイスをなすものではなく、法的アドバイスに代わるものを意図するものでもなく、依拠する法的アドバイスとならないようお願いいたします。専門的アドバイスを必要とするお客様は、One Asia Lawyersグループにご連絡いただき、更なる情報につきましては以下にメールをいただけますようお願いいたします。



1.  2022年12月公布 法令一覧

Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2022   Act 39 of 2022 施行日:2023年1月3日

–   本法はPnal CodeのScheduleの第一カラムを修正する法律。

Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment No. 3) Act 2022 Act 40 of 2022 施行日:2023年1月3日

–   本法は憲法に婚姻制度を導入する法律。

Post-appeal Applications in Capital Cases Act 2022  Act 41 of 2022 施行日:未定

–   本法は死刑事件の上訴に対処するための新たな手続きを導入する法律。

State Lands Protection Act 2022    Act 42 of 2022

  • 弊所の 360シリーズにて紹介しております。 

2. 重要法令ピックアップ

労働省はプラットフォームワーカーの保護を強化  (法律ではありません)




提言は、Work Injury Compensation Act 2019に基づく従業員の権利の災害補償と同様の範囲とレベルを提供すること、プラットフォーム会社は(プラットフォーム・ワーカーの雇用主)はCentral Provident Fund (CPF: 中央積立基金)の拠出金を従業員と同じ比率で支払うこと、プラットフォーム・ワーカーが彼らの年齢に応じて異なるCPF比率を提供すること、およびプラットフォームワーカーが新しい代表機関として組織化しMOMに登録できるように、新しい代表フレームワークを通じて正式な代表権を求める権利に付与すること、が含まれています。




State Lands Protection Act 2022

State Lands Protection Act 2022 (本「法律」)は、2022年12月27日に大統領の承認を受け大臣が官報へ通知する指定日に施行されます。本法律は、国有地の保護のついて規定し、State Lands Encroachments Act 1883を廃止するものです。


– 「構造物(structure)」の定義を更新し、土地の埋め立てのための講師を含む、国有地の上、地下、または上空に建設された構造物は侵入とみなされる可能性があります。

– 罰則の強化:無許可の活動について責任があるとみなされた者に対し、罰金は最大50,000シンガポールドルまたは6ヶ月以下の懲役、もしくはその両方が科せられれ、継続的な違反の場合、有罪判決後も違反が継続される日またはその一部に対し500シンガポールドル以下の罰金がさらに科せられます。、ごみ、商品、その他のものを国有地に継続的に遺棄したり放置したりする違反者に対し、100,000シンガポールドル以下の罰金または12ヶ月以下の懲役、もしくはその両方が科せられます。

– 違反により政府が負った損失もしくは損害、例えば、電気・ガス・水の供給を停止するために電気事業者またはガス事業者が負った損害または損失の解決に要した費用や経費に対して、有罪判決による金銭賠償などの追加の罰則が科される可能性があります。

– 土地の再開発:従前は、3年以上放置された土地は、官報にて通知された日から6ヶ月以内に申し立てをしない場合国に没収されます。この申し立ての期間は、手続きを迅速化するため、現在、3ヶ月に短縮され、宣言の通知を物理的に土地に掲示する必要はなくなりました。その代わり、その事実が十分に周知されるよう、公告は主要な地方紙に掲載されます。


施行機関は現在より広い権限を持つようになり、State Land Protection Act 2022に基づく罰則は引き上げられたことに留意し、国有地に侵入したり損害を与えたりしないよう注意しなければなりません。



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