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Australia Laws 360: May Newsletter (April 2023 Updates)

This newsletter provides an update on the laws that have been passed during the previous month. The newsletter aims at highlighting the laws that have a big impact on foreign businesses in Australia.

Any opinions, views, conclusions and other information in this newsletter do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Readers intending to seek professional advice should engage OAL Law Group officially, for more information on how to engage us, please send an email to

The list of promulgated laws will contain Legislation (Acts of Parliament) that have been passed by the Parliament of Australia and published on the Federal Register of Legislation. Occasionally, we will include secondary legislation (rules, regulations or notices created by Ministers under the power given to them by the Act of Parliament) if we think they are important.

The important laws we chose to discuss may not always be passed in the previous month, especially when no laws were passed in that particular month or the laws passed have minimal impact on foreign businesses.

1. List of promulgated laws
2023年4月公布 法令一覧

National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Act 2023

  • An Act to establish the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation, and for related purposes.

Royal Commissions Amendment (Enhancing Engagement) Act 2023

  • An Act to amend the Royal Commissions Act 1902, and for other purposes.

Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Act 2023

  • An Act to amend legislation relating to emissions reductions, and for related purposes.

Australia Council Amendment (Creative Australia) Act 2023

  • An Act to amend the Australia Council Act 2013, and for related purposes. 

National Health Amendment (Effect of Prosecution – Approved Pharmacist Corporations) Act 2023

  • An Act to amend the National Health Act 1953, and for related purposes. 

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Act 2023

  • An Act to amend legislation relating to telecommunications, and for related purposes. 

Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Act 2023

  • An Act to amend the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, and for related purposes. 

2. Important Laws Pick Up

Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Act 2023

On 11 April 2023, the Australian Government made significant changes to the Safeguard Mechanism, with the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Act 2023 (Cth) (the Act) receiving royal assent. 

The Safeguard Mechanism is the Australian Government’s policy for reducing emissions at Australia’s largest industrial facilities. It sets legislated limits, known as baselines, on the greenhouse gas emissions of these facilities.

The main function of the Act is to amend the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) and Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 (Cth) to establish a framework for creating Safeguard Mechanism Credits (SMCs), including how SMCs will be issued, transferred and surrendered in the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units. SMCs are carbon credits issued to facilities of large industrial emitters whose emissions fall below their designated baselines, and will be able to be traded and used by other facilities to reduce their own net emissions.

International companies operating large facilities, including through their Australian subsidiaries, should be aware of the recent changes and the reforms concerning SMCs and how they can benefit from the issuance of SMCs where their emissions fall below the baselines under Safeguard Mechanism. 

Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Act 2023 (Cth)

The Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Act 2023 (Cth) amended the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) by introducing new provisions requiring the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to publish gender pay gap information of employers with more than 100 employees for each reporting period, using the information, including remuneration information, contained in the relevant employer’s public report for that reporting period.

The reforms also require CEOs of relevant employers to cause the Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report to be given to all members of their Board. The Industry Benchmark Report must be provided as soon as practicable after being received from WGEA. The Executive Summary Report must be given together with the Industry Benchmark Report, if not already given.

The reforms apply to organisations already required to report annually to the WGEA. Under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth), this includes private sector employers and, from 2023, Australian public sector organisations with 100 or more employees. WGEA will publish the first set of private sector employer gender pay gaps in early 2024. This will cover the 1 April 2022-31 March 2023 reporting period.

Australian companies, including subsidiaries of international companies who are required to report annually under the WGEA should be aware of the reputational repercussions of having their gender pay gap data being publically available. These companies should also be aware of their obligations under the new reforms. 

Australia Laws 360: May Newsletter (April 2023 Updates)


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 公布された法律のリストには、オーストラリア議会にて可決され、連邦立法登録簿に掲載された法律(Act of Parliament)が含まれています。二次法律(国会法によって与えられた権限の下に大臣が作成した規則、規制、通達)、または州・準州の法令を含むものではありませんが、我々が重要と考えるものは記載することがございます。


1. List of promulgated laws
2023年4月公布 法令一覧

2023年国家復興基金法人法 – National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Act 2023

  • 国家復興基金法人の設立および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年王立委員会改正(関与強化)法 – Royal Commissions Amendment (Enhancing Engagement) Act 2023

  • 1902年王立委員会法の改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年セーフガードメカニズム(クレジット)改正法 – Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Act 2023

  • 排出削減に関する改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年オーストラリア・カウンシル改正(クリエイティブ・オーストラリア)法 -Australia Council Amendment (Creative Australia) Act 2023

  • 2013年オーストラリア・カウンシル法の改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年国家保健改正(起訴の効力-承認薬剤師法人)法 – National Health Amendment (Effect of Prosecution – Approved Pharmacist Corporations) Act 2023

  • 1953年国家保健法の改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年電気通信法令改正(情報開示、国家的利益およびその他措置)法 – Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Act 2023

  • 電気通信に関連する法令の改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2023年職場ジェンダー平等改正(ジェンダーの賃金格差の是正)法 – Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Act 2023

  • 2012年職場ジェンダー平等法の改正および関連する目的のための法律。

2. Important Laws Pick Up




 この法律の主な役割は、2007 年国家温室効果・エネルギー報告法(National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth))および 2011 年オーストラリア国家排出量登録法(Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 (Cth))を改正し、オーストラリア国家排出量登録におけるセーフ ガードメカニズムクレジット(SMC)の発行・移転・放棄の方法など、SMC作成のための枠組みを確立することです。SMCは、排出量が指定されたベースラインを下回った多量産業排出者の施設に対して発行される炭素クレジットで、他の施設が自らの純排出量を削減するために取引および利用できるようになる予定です。



 2023年職場ジェンダー平等改正(ジェンダーの賃金格差の是正)法は、2012年職場ジェンダー平等法を改正し、職場ジェンダー平等庁(WGEA:Workplace Gender Equality Agency)が、各報告期間において100名以上の従業員をもつ雇用主のジェンダー間の賃金格差情報を、該当報告期間の公表報告書に記載の報酬情報を含む情報を用いて公表しなければならないとする新しい規定を導入しました。


 この改正は、すでにWGEAに年次報告を義務付けられている事業体にも適用されます。2012年職場ジェンダー平等法(Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) )に基づき、民間企業の雇用主、および2023年からは従業員が100名以上のオーストラリアの公的機関もこれに含まれます。WGEAは、2024年初旬に、民間企業の従業員のジェンダー間賃金格差について第一回目の公表を行うとしています。これは、2022年4月1日から2023年3月31日までの報告期間が対象となる予定です。




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