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Malaysia: Asia Law 360: June News Letter (May 2024 updates)


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1. 2024年5月公布 法令一覧 

法律番号 853   2024年外国管轄権免除法(Jurisdictional Immunities of Foreign States Act 2024) 施行日:未定
外国およびその代表者がマレーシアにおける裁判権の免除を認められる条件を概説 し、この免除の例外を規定し、これらの規定を監督する外国免除評議会(Foreign State Immunity Council)を設立する法律。

A1708 2024年未収金(改正)法 (UNCLAIMED MONEYS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024) 施行日:2024年5月24日
定義を更新、未回収金登録官(Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys)の任命、未回収金の取扱手続きの合理化、電子通知と請求期間の短縮の規定を盛り込むことにより1965年未回収金法(Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965)を改正する法律。

A1706 2024年所得税(改正)法(INCOME TAX (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024) 施行日:未定
定義の改正、自己請求型電子請求書の手続き要件の調整、資本資産および株式の処分に関する税率および規定の修正により、1967年所得税法(Income Tax Act 1967)を更新する法律。

A1707 2024年ラブアン事業活動(改正)法(LABUAN BUSINESS ACTIVITY TAX (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024)施行日:2024年1月1日
商品・サービスの取得や電子商取引プラットフォームの提供に携わる者に対し、 局長の定める条件に従い、自己請求型電子インボイスの発行を義務付けるため、1990年 のラブアン事業活動税法を改正する。 

A1709  2024年刑事問題相互援助(改正)法(MUTUAL ASSISTANCE IN CRIMINAL MATTERS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 ) 施行日:2024年5月24日
定義を更新し、刑事事件に関与する財産や道具の取り扱い手続きを合理化し、必要な場合には関係当局との直接の連絡を可能にするため、2002年刑事問題相互援助法(Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2002)を改正する法律。

定義を拡大し、当局の機能と権限を更新し、利益相反に関する開示要件を導入し、局長の任命に関する規定を設け、借用、起訴、犯罪の調合に関する手続きを定めることにより、1980年のマレーシア高速道路公社(法人化)法(Highway Authority Malaysia (Incorporation) Act)を改正する法律。

A1711 2024年マネーサービス業(改正)法(MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024)
用語の再定義、罰則の調整、犯罪に関与した財産の没収に関する規定の導入、2013 年金融サービス法(Financial Services Act 2013)および 2013 年イスラム金融サービス法(Islamic Financial Services Act 2013)の関連部分との併読を確保することにより、2011年マネーサービス業法を更新する法律。

A1712 2024年環境質(改正)法(ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024)施行日:2024年6月6日
この法律は、「野焼き」の定義、さまざまな環境犯罪に対する罰金と罰則の更新、役員に対する統一規則の規定、野焼きの禁止と取締りの規定の導入により、1974年環境質法(Environmental Quality Act 1974)を改正する法律。

2. 重要法令ピックアップ



  1. 範囲と適用性:この方針は現在、銀行口座を持たない個人を含む個人と企業の双方を対象としており、正確な顧客確認と本人確認を保証している。
  2. 最低要件:金融機関はe-KYCの実施に関する最低基準に従わなければならず、安全な技術利用、効果的な監督、強力なマネーロンダリング防止・テロ対策が確保されなければならない。
  3. 技術的統合:本方針は、人工知能、機械学習、予測アルゴリズムの利用をサポートし、顧客確認の精度を向上させ、人的介入の必要性を低減する。
  4. 取締役会の責任:金融機関の取締役会は、e-KYCの全体的なリスク管理と内部枠組みを承認し、継続的なパフォーマンス、セキュリティ、更新を確保しなければならない。
  5. 本人確認と検証:この方針は、不正行為やなりすましを防止するために、文書チェック、生体認証照合、および活性度検出を通じて顧客の本人確認を行う手順を概説している。
  6. 法人:e-KYC プロセスを通じた権限のある人物や受益者のチェックを含む、事業の検証のためのガイドラインが提供されている。
  7. 誤認率(False Acceptance Rates (FAR):金融機関は、e-KYC の正確性を確保するために FAR(False Acceptance Rates)を最小化する必要があり、定期的な監査と評価が求められる。
  8. 第三者による評価:e-KYCソリューションの有効性を評価するために、信頼できる外部の第三者による独立した評価が必要であり、それらが確立された基準を満たしていることを確認する。
  9. 報告要件:金融機関はe-KYCの実績を記録し、定期的にBNMに提出しなければならない。
  10. 執行:BNMは、金融機関が本方針に従わない場合、是正措置やe-KYC の実施停止などの執行措置をとることができる。


Malaysia: Asia Law 360: June News Letter (May 2024 updates)

This newsletter provides an update on the laws that have been passed during the previous month. The newsletter aims at highlighting the laws that have a big impact on foreign businesses in Malaysia.

Any opinions, views, conclusions and other information in this newsletter do not constitute legal advice, are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Readers intending to seek professional advice should engage One Asia Lawyers Group officially, for more information on how to engage us, please send an email to

The list of promulgated laws will contain Legislation (Acts of Parliament) that have been passed by the Parliament of Malaysia and published on the Federal Gazette Malaysia. It does not contain all secondary legislation (rules, regulations or notices created by Ministers under the power given to them by the Act of Parliament), only the ones we think important will be included. 

The important laws we chose to discuss may not always be passed in the previous month, especially when no laws were passed in that particular month or the laws passed have minimal impact on foreign businesses. 

1. List of promulgated laws

Act No 853 Jurisdictional Immunities of Foreign States Act 2024 Date of commencement: to be announced
An Act outlines the conditions under which foreign states and their representatives are granted immunity from jurisdiction in Malaysia, specifies exceptions to this immunity, and establishes the Foreign State Immunity Council to oversee these provisions.

A1708 UNCLAIMED MONEYS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 Date of commencement: 24 May 2024
An Act revises the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965 by updating definitions, appointing a Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys, streamlining procedures for handling unclaimed funds, and incorporating provisions for electronic notifications and shorter timeframes for claims.

A1706 INCOME TAX (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 Date of commencement: miscellaneous
An Act updates the Income Tax Act 1967 by revising definitions, adjusting procedural requirements for self-billed electronic invoices, and modifying tax rates and provisions related to the disposal of capital assets and shares.

A1707 LABUAN BUSINESS ACTIVITY TAX (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 Date of commencement: 1 January 2024
An Act modifies the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990 to require persons involved in acquiring goods or services or providing electronic commerce platforms to issue self-billed electronic invoices, subject to conditions set by the Director General. 

A1709 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE IN CRIMINAL MATTERS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 Date of commencement: 24 May 2024
An Act revises the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2002 to update definitions, streamline procedures for handling property and instrumentalities involved in criminal matters, and allow direct communication with relevant authorities when necessary.

An Act revises the Highway Authority Malaysia (Incorporation) Act 1980 by expanding definitions, updating the functions and powers of the Authority, introducing disclosure requirements for conflicts of interest, establishing provisions for the appointment of the Director General, and setting out procedures for borrowing, prosecution, and compounding of offences.

An Act updates the Money Services Business Act 2011 by redefining terms, adjusting penalties, introducing provisions for the forfeiture of property involved in offences, and ensuring the Act is read in conjunction with relevant parts of the Financial Services Act 2013 and the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

A1712 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (AMENDMENT) ACT 2024 Date of commencement: 6 June 2024
An Act revises the Environmental Quality Act 1974 by defining “open burning,” updating fines and penalties for various environmental offenses, specifying uniform regulations for officers, and introducing provisions for the prohibition and control of open burning.

2. Important Laws Pick Up

Bank Negara Malaysia’s guide on electronic Know-Your-Customer (not legislation)

On 15 April 2024, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has released an updated policy document on electronic Know-Your-Customer (e-KYC) regulations. These changes aim to integrate new technology while maintaining the integrity of the financial system. The updated requirements and guidance ensure secure and effective use of e-KYC for both individuals and businesses.

Main Points of the Revised e-KYC Policy:
  1. Scope and Applicability:The policy now covers both individuals and businesses, including unbanked individuals, ensuring accurate customer identification and verification.
  2. Minimum Requirements:Financial institutions must follow minimum standards for e-KYC implementation, ensuring secure technology use, effective supervision, and strong anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism measures.
  3. Technological Integration:The policy supports the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive algorithms to improve customer verification accuracy, reducing the need for human intervention.
  4. Board Responsibilities:Financial institutions’ boards must approve the overall risk management and internal framework for e-KYC, ensuring ongoing performance, security, and updates.
  5. Identification and Verification:The policy outlines steps for verifying customer identity through document checks, biometric matching, and liveness detection to prevent fraud and impersonation.
  6. Legal Persons:Guidelines are provided for verifying businesses, including checks on authorized persons and beneficial owners through e-KYC processes.
  7. False Acceptance Rates (FAR):Financial institutions must minimize False Acceptance Rates (FAR) to ensure e-KYC accuracy, with regular audits and assessments required.
  8. Third-Party Assessments:Independent assessments by credible external parties are required to evaluate the effectiveness of e-KYC solutions, ensuring they meet established standards.
  9. Reporting Requirements:Institutions must keep records of e-KYC performance and submit them to BNM regularly, with specific reporting timelines outlined.
  10. Enforcement:BNM may take enforcement actions if institutions do not comply with the policy, including corrective measures and suspension of e-KYC implementation.
What should foreign companies do?

Foreign companies, currently required to conduct know your customer reporting should be aware of this guidelines that allow them to electronically kept the know your customers records. 



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